Bishop Wood Junior School in Tring Seeks Governors
Bishop Wood Junior School, a Church of England School in Tring, is looking for 3 new Governors.
Thank you to Liz Ayling for writing and supplying this information on behalf of the school.
‘I’m often asked why I chose to volunteer as a School Governor and my answer is probably not what you might expect. I was concerned about how I would choose the ‘right’ school for my son. Governance has given me the opportunity to understand how schools work, the national framework and, more importantly, the individual differences of separate schools.
‘School Governors are amongst one of the largest groups of volunteers in the UK – every school has a Governing Body.
‘Despite my somewhat selfish reasons for getting involved, I have also enjoyed being able to learn from the school community/fellow governors and share my skills and experiences with them too.
‘The time commitment is approximately 2 evening meetings per half term (12 meetings per year), one for a Committee (Resources which covers Finance, HR and Buildings and Teaching, Learning and Curriculum which oversees the more educational and pastoral aspects of school life) and one for a Full Governing Body meeting. Governors are also expected to visit the school outside of meetings, but it is recognised that work commitments can make this a challenge.
‘Fellow governors are an agreeable bunch, meetings have high energy, objective discussion and are clearly focused on ‘the good of the school’. We occasionally socialise together too!
‘If you are even slightly interested, please get in touch and we can have a chat.’
Please email Liz directly at:
You can also visit the school website to learn more.